v1.1.6 - 05-August-2024 - Fix: Resolved an issue with some classic editor templates getting stuck during import. v1.1.5 - 05-August-2024 - Fix: Default logo was not getting replaced for classic templates. v1.1.4 - 01-August-2024 - Fix: Using option variables instead of transient. v1.1.3 - 18-July-2024 - Fix: Resolved fatal error encountered with Ghost Kit plugin. v1.1.2 - 12-July-2024 - Fix: Site footer was not getting imported. v1.1.1 - 28-June-2024 - Improvement: Updated References to "astra-customizer-json" to Utilize JSON File Data. v1.1.0 - 25-June-2024 - Fix: Resolved all PHPStan errors. v1.0.18 - 07-June-2024 - Improvement: Using helper function of AI Builder to avoid duplications. v1.0.17 - 27-May-2024 - New: Added filter & action to import classic templates options. v1.0.16 - 27-May-2024 - Improvement: Added compatibility for ai buider functions. v1.0.15 - 24-May-2024 - Fix: Replacing the images only for current imported posts and pages. v1.0.14 - 13-May-2024 - Improvement: Added the updated date after import. v1.0.9 - 08-May-2024 - Improvement: Added Source and Seed parameter while creating provisional account in Starter Templates for SureCart. v1.0.0 - Initial Commit